This was to replace the one that is in the North Sea somewhere.... Because of the colour and whistle it's easy for my dogs to see and retrieve... should have got a medium as the large is a bit on the big side!
Just the best balls available. Indestructible, even by our ball destroying Lucy.
I love these balls and so do my Dobermann's Xena &Kali. They have lasted much longer than any other ball I have bought for them. I believe this is because the balls don't have a seam in them. I would highly recommend, in fact I have already done so on the Dobermann UK Facebook forum. Well worth the money!
Lots of fun to be had !
This actually works! Orange one stands out best in the grass.
I'm really happy with the chuck it whistler balls. My dog has had hours of fun and she can't chew them like she normally does with balls so a big thumbs up from me and I look forward to ordering something different from your range of toys
A bit more rustic and heavy( harder Under the teeth ) than the glow in the dark one. Whistling noticable by the dog but not unpleasantly noisy.
Absolutely F A B, really great fun and very safe and sturdy, highly recommended for all those doggies out there who love their balls
To say our dog does not really take much notice of the direction in which you throw an object is an understatement, simply the movement of pulling your arm back and she's shot off at 100mph without even looking where the object has gone.
Thanks to this wonderful ball at least now when she does head off and the ball does get thrown she can hear it's gone off in a different direction and so has a chance of finding it.
Highly recommended, good and sturdy too, bounces like nobody's business so again if it goes for miles she can still see it bouncing to locate it in the long grass. Plus it is the same size as a standard tennis ball so fits into any existing flinger you may have.
My collie loves these whistle balls. She likes to cheat with playing fetch and runs off, then normally can't see where it's going.
With this she can hear it and gets it every time! Throws far, bounces, floats.. What more could you want in a ball?!
well there is more! My foster boy kept stealing these from my girl (Malamute x GSD) and he had a mighty good chew on them. They're in one piece, and I can't see a dent.
Highly recommended.