If you see a dog with a yellow ribbon, bandana or marker, that dog needs space. Please maintain distance and give them time to move out of your way.
Dog Behaviour & Training
Dog related articles covering some of the things that dog owners want and need to know regarding dog behaviour, training, fun and games.
Battersea launches a new virtual dog training class 'Skills for All' to teach owners fun tricks and techniques to keep their dogs stimulated.
To help the lockdown dog generation prepare for newfound freedom, Battersea has launched a range of virtual classes for dogs aged five to 18 months.
'Sounds Scary' sound therapy for pets is now being offered for free. Sounds Scary, Sounds Sociable & Sounds Soothing. Get your free download.
Virtual puppy training courses for lockdown puppies, to ensure this new generation of pups aren't missing out on vital skills while restrictions remain in place.
While on Coronavirus lockdown, having new canine colleagues can present a challenge. Battersea has put together some tips to help people working from home.
If you are on a budget or are looking for new ideas, I’ll share with you some cheap and homemade toys and games that I play with my dogs.
How many of us allow our dogs to sleep in our bed with us? Is sleeping with our dogs bad for our health? Could it even be bad for our dogs?
If your dog is afraid of fireworks, October is the time to start dealing with it. Tackle the fear itself with sound therapy. Here's how.
Lots of people use choke chains to try to stop their dog pulling on the lead but they were not invented for that and it won't work. Here's why.
As a nation of dog lovers, how is there a market for shock collars? Are owners willing to inflict pain on their dogs or are they being misled?
Leaflet to help parents prepare their dog for the arrival of a new baby and feel more confident about dealing with their dog and the new baby.
Dog Training Made Easy is a series of quick videos by Dogs Trust to help teach basic dog training and commands to owners.
Straight forward, sensible advice about dog etiquette and child-dog interaction that all dog owners and parents should know about and follow.
A deaf dog only has one of the five senses missing. With hand signals they can easily pick up training and lead normal lives. Find out more here.
With hand signals deaf dogs can easily pick up training and lead normal lives. You can make up signs but here are some to get you started.