Overall it's a nice harness, well made and good quality, but the adjustment is a bit off. The strap joining the neck collar loop to the chest loop on the top is not adjustable and is quite short, while the strap between collar and chest loop along the bottom is very long and cannot be shortened enough to match the top strap, so there is a bit of droop in the strap underneath the harness. Could be improved by making the top strap and bit longer and the bottom strap a bit shorter.
D for Dog says:
Hi Andrew, thank you for the review. Sorry to hear that you had a sizing / fitting issue. As these harnesses have 4 adjustment points, getting a good fit shouldn't be an issue. If you have a look at the joining section that you mention, you will see there is an adjustment slider there to get it nearly twice as long as the smallest setting it will have arrived on. I hope that helps :-)