Year of 52 Rescues
We had a lovely email this week from American artist Elizabeth Ellis. She is working on an amazing project called the 'year of 52 rescues'. Each week for the entire year of 2015, Elizabeth will paint a rescue animal who is in need of a forever home.
Each painting will be posted online, on Youtube, tweeted etc... Her amazing efforts will culminate at the beginning of 2016 with an exhibition of all 52 paintings at an Ohio art gallery. After the exhibition, the paintings will be mailed to either the shelter who still has the animal, or hopefully, the family who has adopted them.
To see the animals that have been painted so far and to follow the progress of the project, please visit
Please spread the word
It is a wonderful way to raise awareness of animals looking for homes. Please support Elizabeth and the rescue animals by sharing this great venture on social media. Thank you.
Calling all UK dog portrait artists
This is such a great idea. I wonder if there are any UK dog portrait artists who fancy doing this project for UK rescue animals?
I'm a full time pet portrait artist and funnily enough it's something I have thought about doing. So watch this space 😊