Dog Blog

Your one-stop blog for all the lastest dog products, news and events, dog funnies and informative dog related articles.

Don't Regret Buying Your Pet
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Take care if you are buying a pet via online adverts and classifieds. There are many unscrupulous sellers out there. Follow this useful advice.

Funny Pics - Dog Days of Summer
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Summer is a time for water fun and relaxing in the heat. These cute and funny dogs are enjoying the summer sun and finding great ways to keep cool.

Dogs Die in Hot Cars

Today Dogs Trust launched their #hotcarskilldogs campaign. Under 20 minutes can prove fatal to a dog. You may as well leave your dog in an oven.

D for Dog Goes Mobile

We are excited to introduce our new mobile site - a specially pared down version that has been designed for shopping online on small screens.

Jumping Dog Funnies

It's spring so let's have some jumping dog funnies. Some amazing jumping dog video clips and epic dog jumping fails too. Such fun!

Bark in the Park Singles Event

Bark in the Park singles event for dogs and owners, hosted by in collaboration with Dogs Trust. Single Londoners meet single dog lovers.

Celebrating 10 Years Online

We are very proud to be celebrating 10 years online this year. Read why we think we offer our customers and website visitors something special.

The Puppy Socialisation Plan

The Puppy Socialisation Plan is a step-by-step, simple but comprehensive socialisation plan that gives every puppy the very best start in life.

Please Retire Ex-Laboratory Dogs

Unite to CARE are campaigning for the release of surplus laboratory dogs by offering loving forever homes to ex-lab dogs instead of euthanasia.

Funny Pics - Dogs & Food

Never underestimate how much dogs love food and what they are prepared to do to get some. I love these funny pics of dogs and their love of food.

New - Hoodies for Dog Lovers

The perfect hoodie for the dog lover in your life. This great range of quality hoodies comes in a number of colours with a variety of dog slogans.

Dog Toys Galore

If you are looking for a great new toy to thrill and entertain your dog, look no further. Here are some of the great new dog toys added recently.

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