Having Your Dog Put To Sleep - What Actually Happens?


One of the most difficult things we do as dog owners is to have our beloved dogs put to sleep, because they are suffering in some way, maybe through disability, ill health or old age. As harrowing as it is, I am always so very glad that we have the option of euthanasia, rather than letting them suffer.

Tat and Cleo

However, with the option of euthanasia comes responsibility. Are we doing the right thing? Is it too soon? Are they suffering or would they prefer to live? So many thoughts go through our minds. The option of euthanasia is a burden of responsibility as well as a blessing.

Quality of life is really what matters. Some blogs and websites give check lists of the main aspects of quality of life, if you need any guidance. But do trust yourself to know when the time is right. You will know.

How will I know when it’s time to say goodbye?

Once you have decided that it is time, the process of euthanasia itself can be a bit of a mystery and fear of the unknown won’t help at an already harrowing time. It is not the kind of thing we feel we can discuss with others who have gone through it. Even the most peaceful euthanasia can be painful to recall. There is an injection and there is death - that is about as much as any of us know until we have experienced it.

Although this is an incredibly difficult thing for any of us to discuss, I can’t help feeling that many people would benefit from knowing beforehand exactly what to expect. The first euthanasia I experienced was definitely the worst and I think that is partly because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Knowledge helps us to cope. The unknown can be very scary, at a time when we are already feeling so many powerful emotions.

So here we will talk about exactly what happens when your dog is 'put to sleep' and how much time the process takes, so at no stage do you have the added anxiety of not being sure what will happen next and how much time is left.

But first, there are some things you may want to do in advance. Mementos and keepsakes are very comforting to have and cherish after your dog has passed away. Think about whether you would like a print of their paw, a snip of their fur, a special photo to make into a keepsake etc. There are so many beautiful memorial pieces you can buy to remember your beloved pet, from crystal photo cubes to jewellery featuring their paw print or containing fur or ashes.

OK, we can't dodge this topic any longer. I know, it is so painful, but this kind of knowledge can really help.

Firstly, let’s talk about going to the vet or staying at home for the euthanasia.

Home or away?

People will differ on their preferences and there is no right or wrong answer. Every dog is different and every person is different. Not all vets offer house calls so you may not even have the option of a home euthanasia. Don’t worry too much about this. Just do what you can do.

When our first dog, Boycie, was put to sleep, we had the vet come to our house. I imagined Boyce would feel more relaxed at home but in reality I think he felt worried by the strange man who suddenly appeared in the living room and rather rudely started to examine him while he was trying to sleep on my lap. For a long time afterwards I also felt incredibly sad looking at that place on the sofa, which had previously been a happy place of evening cuddles. Little things, but for us anyway, it was enough to make us decide that next time we would go to the vets – which we did.

Staying at home does dispense of that dreaded final outing and the panic of the vet visit, if you or your pet feel anxious there. It can also reduce the strain on a very sick animal, as you don’t have to transport them to the vets and put them through that stress.

But going to the vets can also have its advantages. It is a place where dogs are used to seeing a vet and being examined, so the process will be more expected for your dog. Some people may worry about doing such a sad thing in public but believe me, the receptionist or people in the waiting room will be the last thing on your mind. If you have a good vet, they will be just the right amount of sympathetic and practical and will give you plenty of time with your pet. Also, if you are letting them deal with your pet’s body afterwards, already being at the vets is not such a bad thing.

As I say, there is no right or wrong place and we will all have different reasons for either wanting our dog put to sleep at home or at the vets.

As most people will have euthanasia performed at the vets, I will talk in those terms but the actual process is the same either way.

The appointment

If this candle is lit, someone is saying goodbye

When you make the appointment, tell the receptionist that it is an appointment to have your pet put to sleep. They will give you a longer appointment time, will not ask inappropriate questions in the waiting room like “how is he today” and they will do their best to make sure the atmosphere is as respectful as possible.

I also ask if sedation is used - sometimes referred to as “two injection” euthanasia. It’s important and I will discuss this further in a moment.

If you are taking your dog home after the euthanasia, remember to take a blanket with you so you can carry them home with dignity.

At the beginning of the appointment, don’t be surprised if your vet still does all the usual things first like checking your dog over, listening to their heart and so on. If something has suddenly happened to your pet, the vet will need to make their own assessment before they agree or otherwise to the euthanasia request. Even if your pet is old or has an ongoing issue, the vet will still probably check your pet over one last time.

Once everyone agrees that euthanasia is the best course of action, your vet will start the process.

If you need to sit down, don’t be afraid to ask for a chair. But if you can, stay with your pet, at least for now, so they are comforted by your presence. People often worry that when the time comes they will go to pieces. What is more likely to happen is that you will find an inner strength. You will be strong and be there with them for this final journey. This is about making your pet’s last moments as calm and peaceful as possible, and you will be surprised that this is something you can do, for them. Talk calmly and gently to your pet, so they know all is well. If you can’t trust your voice, just be near and calm. You are doing the right thing. All is well.


Your vet will hopefully prepare an anaesthetic or sedative injection for your dog. This is generally subcutaneous, meaning that it just has to go below the skin or maybe into the muscle and doesn’t have to go directly into a vein. It can simply go into the rump or leg, so it not so stressful or painful. This is a much more pleasant way to slip into peace. Your dog will hardly know what happened and will simply start to feel pleasantly drowsy.

You will notice that I said “Your vet will hopefully prepare an anaesthetic or sedative injection for your dog”. Some do not. Having seen it done both ways, the “two injection” method is definitely my preference. Boycie was not sedated first and he panicked as the vet pulled him about, trying to get the injection into his vein. Once the injection did go in, he was dead within seconds. It was unnecessarily harrowing, undignified and way too sudden – not the peaceful and a gentle goodbye we had hoped for. The only time a sedative may not be necessary is if the pet is already slipping into unconsciousness naturally.

dog sedation

After the sedation has been given, gently hold your dog as they begin to drift off. Their legs may start to buckle and their head may hang down as they get very sleepy, so make sure you support them without restraining them. They may react a little bit to the feelings of loss of control and may even try to get off the table or struggle a bit. Just help them to feel as calm and comfortable as possible.

After a few minutes they will become incredibly drowsy and you may like to hold them in your arms. Your vet may leave the room while you have some final alone time. Generally you have about 10-15 minutes with your dog as they go into a deep sleep. It is a precious moment.

So far your dog has only been sedated. They are still alive but fast asleep and may even snore peacefully.  They may still have a level of awareness, so continue to be calm and gentle. Hysterics won’t help your pet. Be brave. I always feel comforted by their gentle breathing and peaceful body. I have a last kiss and cuddle, thank them for their wonderful companionship and say goodbye.

You have done the most important part for your pet now. If you feel you don’t wish to be present for the actual euthanasia then tell your vet how you are feeling.

The final injection

Once your dog is fast asleep your vet will check their responses and then prepare the final injection. This one is injected into a vein so there may be a bit of searching for the vein, especially in a very ill dog. Don’t worry about your pet feeling any pain now as they are very deeply asleep.

My understanding is that this final drug is commonly a high dose (overdose) of an anaesthetic drug. Once administered, your dog will become unconscious incredibly quickly. The brain will stop functioning after just a few seconds and, because the brain works the heart and lungs, within about 20-40 seconds your dog will stop breathing and their heart will stop beating. Sometimes people worry that euthanasia works by causing their pet to have a heart attack, but this is not the case, so do not worry.

The vet will listen to their heart and check for reflexes. After a minute or two they will confirm that your pet has now passed away. Your pet’s eyes will probably be open and they may soil (this may also happen at the sedation stage), as the body is now completely relaxed. This is all normal. Don’t be alarmed.

Sometimes the passing is as quiet as a final breath, or sometimes a pet may gasp, twitch, vocalise or even move. Don’t worry, this can happen and is not unusual or anything to worry about. They are not suffering. Having witnessed this myself and being a little alarmed, I was told that it is just reflexes and electrical impulses in the body. This can be a natural part of any death.

dog paw in hand

I read a wonderful article by Adrienne Farricelli, a former veterinary hospital assistant.

Understanding Dog Pain During Euthanasia

This quote says it better than I ever could:

"Acknowledging what happens and acknowledging things that may go wrong is helpful. That way if things go well, you'll likely think "Is that it? That was very quick and peaceful!" and if things don't go very well, at least you know what may likely have happened so those last moments won't haunt you day after day as you wonder if your pet suffered. Truth is, the death of our pets is never pleasant to witness, but it's far better than suffering day after day, and most of all, our dogs will be eternally thankful for this last gift of unconditional love."

After the vet has confirmed that your pet has passed away, they can help you wrap them in the blanket, if you wish to take them home. You may be doing a home burial or taking them home for any other pets to say goodbye to. I do feel this is important. Other dogs in the household will want to know where their companion has gone, so do this if you can.

Cremation & burial

If you are doing a home burial, you might like to read Burying Your Dog at Home.

If your dog is being cremated, you can scatter their ashes in a place they loved or place their ashes in a beautiful pet urn. Or why not do a bit of both. You can scatter most of their ashes and keep a small token amount in a little keepsake urn. Beautiful.

Did I do the right thing?

Euthanasia saves our beloved pets from weeks and months of unnecessary suffering. You thought it all through and did your very best for you pet and yet you may still feel guilt or worry about having had your pet put to sleep. Was it too late? Was it too soon? The chances are, it was just right. You loved your pet and you did the best you could for them. Be kind to yourself, trust your decision, know you did it with love and let any guilt go. Your beloved dog would say “thank you for caring” and that is all that matters.

Thank you so for loving me. You know I love you too,
and that’s why it’s hard to say goodbye and end this life with you.

So hold me now just one more time and let me hear you say,
because you care so much for me, you’ll let me go today.

From “May I Go” by Susan A. Jackson

I hope this has helped anyone who needed comfort and knowledge at this sad and stressful time.

To all the doggies who have passed or are about to go on this last journey - Run Free!

Pet loss and grief

If you are dealing with the emotions of pet loss, you may like to read our Coping With Pet Loss & Grief article.

Further reading

Dog Euthanasia – When to Say Goodbye?
Burying Your Dog at Home

By Jenny Prevel

Disclaimer: Please note that these are my own personal experiences of euthanasia of my own dogs. I am not a vet and there may be other procedures or methods that I have not experienced or mentioned.

© D for Dog www.dfordog.co.uk
This article belongs strictly to D for Dog and we do not authorise the copying of all or any part of it.

Anne Tragett
01 September 2017  |  14:27

Far to many people do not know about two injection euthanasia ,I know of several people who have had to listen to their pet cries as the vet looks for a vein,hopefully your very good article will help to inform them so they can tell the vet that they want the animal sedated before the final injection is given if the vet refuses, I know of some that do then as difficult as it is they have to take courage and ask for another vet

D for Dog
01 September 2017  |  14:36

Thanks Anne and yes, I hope it helps people. The two-injection method is the main reason I wrote this. I had no idea when we had our first dog PTS. I was shocked at how much better (for want of a better word) subsequent ones were, simply because it was a different vet who did the two injection method. I really hope people have the courage to read this. It took a lot of courage to write, I don't mind saying. Personally, I would always ask for another vet if they refused to do two injections. I learnt from bitter experience.

Gwendoline Henderson
01 September 2017  |  19:49

I have put a few dogs to sleep and it has always been the one injection method as they were near the end of their lives. I recently had to put a young dog to sleep, I had rescued it, but it had so many problems that it was attacking dogs and people rather badly. I spoke to the local dog warden and was advised that the dog should never have been rehomed. I would have to keep her tied up and muzzled for the rest of her life (she had just turned two) or put her to sleep. I took her to the vets complete with muzzle and her sedated her first (after a struggle) then when she was very drowsy he gave her the final injection and she went very quickly.

Charlie Rovella
16 October 2022  |  3:37

Or you could have just sent the dog to a santuary for rehabilation, or not adopted them in the first place when you clearly had no experience with dogs like that, and could not handle a dog like that or control them. You seem like a terrible owner who didn’t want to make any effort for a dog who probably had a past of abuse and was probably afraid. then you put the dog to death because you couldn’t handle them or train them. I think the problem was probably the dog not feeling safe with you or stable, and I can see why. The owner is always the problem not the dog. They are descended from wild animals and people act like theyre evil for lashing out with a shitty owner with no leadership skills? At a sanctuary I’m sure they could have kept them muzzled around people and other dogs. You don’t keep a dog tied up constantly that’s animal cruelty and no professional would ever advise that. What is an “animal warden” anyway? This person clearly has no education on dogs and you should have never owned a dog in the first place. I’ve rescued multiple dogs that have agression issues towards other dogs and humans, and I actually knew how to control them and train them to live in a pack of 3 dogs. I’ve never heard of someone taking their dog to be put to death unless the court forced them. Not the solution to trying to own an animal with wolf dna, killing them when they don’t behave like humans. people are so pathetic

03 November 2022  |  15:12

You said just right, I completely agree with you . Some people just don’t deserve to have a pet .

Brian McGuirt
16 November 2022  |  4:41

Stop talking like the DNA from a 35000 year old wolf evolution has any bearing on things now. Vets recommend behavioral euthanasia all the time, and I promise they are far better trained, knowledgeable, equipped to say what needs to happen than you! For the vet to put the dog down, they have to evaluate the dog, its history, and all factors. No vet will just kill the dog for no reason.

Tracy Atkinson
20 January 2023  |  23:37

Thank you so much for what you say here in response to that awful patronising comment posted prior as I found it quite disgusting and downright rude.
As for not knowing what a dog warden is then clearly you live in a forest with your beloved dogs that has no urban public uses. Dog wardens are facilitating local authorities by collecting stray dogs, reported lost/found dogs, liaising with police and kennel services and it was my first call for advice regarding my dogs issues. If said person does read this which I doubt; do you think I am unworthy of keeping a dog too, that I haven't a clue and I'm some degenerate with just having my 15 month old euthanised because of behavioural problems? I was brought up in a home that bred Terriers and always had pets and as an adult my own pets also. I am not inexperienced but somewhat ill informed to a dog and aggressive behaviours with young children. I had my dog from 6 weeks old; to help with the sudden death of my husband survived by our children just 3 and 4 years old at the time. The bigger he got, the more he took the Alpha role and even was aggressive towards me for trying to feed him a treat thru his muzzle in the home. After increasing episodes of guarding and snapping at all of us, lunging, he bit my 5 year old twice and I was despairing. I had a girl come to clip his claws and he punctured her arm she never even got close to his paws. I had a behavioural trainer visit. This was after increasing his walk time, distraction etc. and ruling out health issues. He went to bite this guy 3 times whom is a highly recommended expert and he said 15 months is just too old to train him that all I could do was apply pressure. Like with snap collar etc. He said that his breed was not a pet dog, but a working dog and to consider rehoming him as despite what you say HUMAN LIFE proceeds animal life especially if it's your own children at risk. The warden will not actively deal with an owned pet especially if its aggressive. The police could, but on what charge and to who, me as its owner and registered owner on his microchip? Rescue centres do not just TAKE DOGS IN. I approached 3 that said he was too big for their facilities. RSPCA would not help. I couldn't advertise him for adoption as if he had gone to a family and hurt one of them then that's on my conscience. I went thru all the process of handing him to dogs trust and blue cross only to be told he would have to "pass a trial in the kennels" beforehand. I've spent hundreds of pounds on harnesses and equipment to aid and control him; exercised him and fed him and a loving home but I had to make the decision to euthanise him as my vets couldn't even access a room as he blocked it off and went to bite all the staff until I was there to remove him. The head vet agreed it was the best course of action . Tell you something you procrastinating nasty mouthed narcissistic know all that people like you that put comments to a post on the subject matter of pet euthanasia just to promote your own unrealistic views of your experience to state so....are INSIGNIFICANT. Work your magic with canines you crack on. I have never felt this much pain and grief and loss for making that decision. One which despite your opinion; was advised by two pet specialists, two vets, 4 veterinary nurses and an animal ambulance rescue service whom has dealt with us since he was 6 weeks old as well as friends and family. He will have felt no pain, just gone to sleep and I was with him. All he knew was happiness. He could have lived on but what quality of life if attacked people or was treated by another cruelly and neglected? I hate myself for having to decide this but it was right and just. Some people dont deserve pets but neither should those who cast accusation do so unless they live in glass houses....

19 August 2023  |  23:38

Exactly! This is the very last resort no?

Jewels F
19 April 2023  |  7:21

I totally agree with you. We rescued a puppy that was 9 months old. While his siblings were being adopted Carter was just lying over in the corner, terrified. It was heartbreaking. I had my pup with us as that’s what the rescue organization recommended. My dog previously didn’t care for big dogs, but seemed to understand Carters situation. Carter had to be carried out of the playpen and set on the ground. He layed in my daughters lap, my dog sniffed him and didn’t have a care in the world. My daughter said, mum, I want to adopt Carter. I said, excellent idea honey. After the adoption process was completed, he was carried out to my car. He was trembling and severely drooling. We understood why. He was from California and the horrible owner was beating them, dragging around the house with a leash and just being a horrible person. After about a week, after getting over his kennel cough and then after my dog got over it, as Carter passed it on to mine, we began his training. We attached a leash to his collar and while supervised he walked around the house freely with no limits. He needed to get to know his surroundings and get comfortable. My dog helped in this process. At any rate, we never gave up on him and after two years, he finally became trustworthy of men again. We knew he didn’t like to be looked at directly in the eyes by men and once my husband and stepson understood this, he gained their trust. At any rate, 9 years later he loves to go on long walks, run at the park and actually be a happy dog. So anyway, I agree with you. If someone doesn’t have the patience to give the frightened dog time to adjust, it just won’t end well. Feeling it necessary to keep a muzzle on, then tied up outside is definitely animal abuse and torture. Any animal should be muzzled, unless absolutely necessary. I’ve seen plenty of police dogs muzzled while off duty and in crowds, but not for long periods of time. That’s just never a fix or a solution to any animal and the animals don’t understand what they did wrong to deserve such punishment. Shame on this idiot for euthanasia as a solution. Should’ve never had the chance to adopt and has no business doing it ever again. I can almost guarantee that it’ll just happen again and I Hope neighbors notice this and turn this person in.

Rebecca Bentley
19 August 2023  |  23:43

You don't know the dog or the owners! How are you so quick to judge? And obviously it's the last resort.

Rose Salter
12 February 2025  |  22:20

So sorry poor girl didn’t deserve to be killed for her lack of training , I think a lot of people would have taken her and given her some proper training bad owners is all I can say

Swati Nanda
31 May 2018  |  20:58

THANKS a lot sir for this article. it was very difficult for me to read this. i love my pet a lot and never want to loose her.loads and loads of love dear Boycie .

13 June 2020  |  9:55

I have decided to put my old girl to sleep and reading this before I do has help me so much, even though I have cried all the way through. Thank you for publishing this.

12 September 2022  |  7:54

I just had to put my toy poodle Toby down. He had CHF and he was very sick. He loved everyone especially my grandchildren. He loved playing with them but he was my shadow. He was 13 yrs old and my best friend and buddy! He was absolutely the best. He’s been gone 3 weeks now and I still miss and cry every day but mainly at night for my little boy! This article did help so thank you for posting it! I couldn’t hardly get through it but again Thank You! I’m so sorry for everyone’s loss of their special friends because mine definitely was my special very special friend! RIP Toby I love and miss you forever buddy!

Carolyn Hill
03 August 2021  |  1:36

Thank you for your wonderful, calming, and informative article. Last week we had to put our sweet JoJo down due to a inoperative growth In his abdomen. He had become so bloated and sluggish in the last two weeks. And, yes, we had the questions about were we doing this too soon? Our vet was wonderful and had discussed with us about letting him go when we "needed" to rather when we were "ready" to let him go. Not to let him get to the point of suffering before we decided. When we took him in, the vet said we had chosen the right time. He did the two injection method and it was best. JoJo relaxed, fell asleep with us loving him and telling him how much we loved him and what a great boy he was. They let us have several moments of privacy with him at different times of the process. They had a blanket on the exam table and bundled him in to removed him. They made the preparations for his cremation and ashes returned to us in a wooden box.

Ida Jaques
01 September 2022  |  21:17

Thank you so much for this article. I had to have my elderly dog put down and I was expecting a peaceful moment but it wasn't such. She panicked and cried and I'm still traumatized to this day. It was the first animal I had to have put down. I did not know to ask about sedation I thought it was just a given. That was 10 years ago now my other dog is getting elderly and I'm scared because I don't want to have to go through that traumatic experience again and especially not her.

12 September 2022  |  4:35

Unfortunately we just had to put our sweet Lulu to sleep 2 days ago. We had a vet from Lap of Love come to our home. She used the 2 injection method so Lulu was sedated before the final injection. I held her the entire time. She seemed very peaceful. Although I know she was aware of the first injection, I know she didn't feel the 2nd injection which requires a tourniquet and a vein. It was still the most heartbreaking 💔 experience ever but I know she was comfortable.

20 September 2022  |  10:53

I was with my family last August 2021 when my grand- dog of my granddaughter was peacefully at home with 2 injections to go to.sleep. It was an educational experience but also extremely heartbreaking 💔. Now it's time for his "cousin" my dog to follow him. I hope the grass and trees will be a lot greener than what it were on this side. 🌲🏞️ 🥺

Bill Cox
05 July 2021  |  15:36

Thank you I did not know about the two injection my dog is very sick and I may have her to sleep hearing about the two injections helps me a lot thank you

Samantha Smith
16 October 2021  |  17:43

I had my dog put to sleep April 27th,infront of her brother, as was advised by fritzpatric referral. She had it done at home. She had bone cancer of the face, effected the brain and MMA.
So hard as was grieving for the dog that was left behind. They had not ever been apart, and both nearly 12.5 years old. I was told I would loose her boxing day-so I was so grateful for the extra 4 months. Dispit the extra 4 months I still feel guilty. Vets said she was in pain and could last an extra 3 weeks. This is why I feel guilty. She had been given another does of antibiotics the day before, I booked a holiday on the Monday to take her and her brother on one last holiday with me, not too far away from where I lived, yet the following day she was gone. No holiday, no proper goodbye, but her poor eye was so swollen, bloodshot, and she started bleeding when drinking, so I felt the time was right, until afterwards I then felt she had more time and I was wrong. The guilt is bad. I now help my other dog go through his health and his depression, grieving together.
This post has helped me, but I was told via the vet to wait 15 mins for sedation to kick in. During that time I popped upstairs to consol my partner who was in bits. His daughter was with kenzie and the vets. My question is, did my dog see my partner last, or although sedated, she she see me, feel my presence, my love, as her eyes were open, but just stared. I laid down on floor strokeing her, talking and looking at her eyes, eye level with me. Ben, my other dog was against her too. I hope she saw me last, its breaking my heart that I left her for those precious minutes, that it may not off been me she last saw.
Your post says sedation takes between 10-15minutes. I'm still so lost. I cry everyday, I've gone photo book mad, and don't know how to hold back my feelings from the other dog, whom has became very inseparable from me, to the extent that me going upstairs to the toilet, he starts barking and howling for me.

Thomas Reddington
07 May 2022  |  3:33

I just put my Bestfriend down, the vet and staff were amazing. Today is the day after and it really hit home for me. I was so heartbroken and 100000 thoughts crossing my mind so I decided to search around for information on how this all works. I came across this article and I'm so happy I did. This article warmed my heart and took the depression I was feeling, down. I want to thank you for the reassurance. Mush APPRECIATED..

Nancy Elizabeth Green
29 July 2022  |  2:58

Thank you for ur love for all babies.
I have had to say goodbye to more than I care to remember. I have rescued for 30+ years.
It never gets easy.
Their ashes are together and I will eventually join them.
Each baby after passing " comes back!" Yes they most certainly do. Within a few days; lights begin flashing( by blind willie. ) paws distinctive clicking sound up hallway by priscilla who was my lame girl. I could go on.
Others have witnessed. They are telling me they are "okay" and love me for doing my best.
Run free sweet babies until we meet again.

12 September 2022  |  8:08

I just put a comment on here about my Toy Poodle Toby having to put him down the 24th of August a few weeks ago and it was the hardest decision I had to make. The Vet Dr was amazing and they were so sweet with Toby. They did the 2 shots and it was very peaceful for my precious Toby. My heart hurts so bad and aches for him. There will never be another Toby he was absolutely the best. Thanks again for this article it really meant a lot to me reading it! I’m so sorry for everyone’s loss of their very special fur babies!!

Jacqueline B
24 October 2017  |  16:34

Reading this very informative article has brought me to tears as it has brought back the memories of having our darling Lab x Retriever aged 15 & 1/2 years put to sleep during the summer. We had the vet come to the house as our boy hated going to the vets; she came and he seemed genuinely pleased to see her and he even got out of his bed to say hello. Once she persuaded my husband that having him (the dog!) PTS was the kindest thing we could do then she set about proceeding with the 2 injection method : sedative first followed by the blue cocktail - I assumed it was potassium to stop the heart. There was no way that our darling boy was giving her his leg for her to shave in order to access a vein, so she gave him an intra-muscular injection into his flank so as not to stress him out and left us to cuddle and kiss him whilst he went off into a deep sleep. After 15 or so minutes he gave a big sigh - and for me I felt that was when he had gone - she then shaved his leg and administered the blue liquid. She checked his heart, said he’d gone then he gave a big, judderey sigh and twitched a bit and that was it; our beloved boy was no more.

Up until this point I would say having him pts at home was the kindest thing we could do and I was pleased that our vet was so respectful of both him and us but once he’d gone - and because we’d decided to have him cremated so she was taking him back to her practice- she then started to stuff him in a big bag, squashed him down like one would a sweater into a carrier bag- and then we had to carry his now squashed but still warm body to her car. That was all so undignified which is where going to the vets’ is better because one doesn’t see the grim ending of one’s beloved pet. When I went to the practice a few days later to sort out the paperwork for his cremation we talked about it and she said she needed to work on that part!

A friend told us a few months before our boy was pts of the horror they had experienced at their vets when their dog was pts and how badly t traumatized them and how traumatic and endiyit was for their dog. I can only assume their vet did not sedate by any means possible their dog. So I would advise anyone planning on having their dog pts to absolutely insist on sedation being given first.

30 March 2018  |  23:18

I recently had my 14 year old border collie put to sleep. I found your site comforting. I did feel guilty and was it to soon but she had cancer and I put her to sleep because I loved her and wanted to spare her going through the pain before it started. I will always love her.

20 April 2018  |  4:27

My Boston Terrier Nelly who was 3 months shy of 14 and a half yrs old became really ill and when I took her to the vet they told me that she had heart failure and liver failure and didn't know how long she had to live but that she didn't look like she needed to be euthanized and that I could start treatment but that it may not help. That day she was given a b12 shot and antibiotics and I was also giving her a stool softner to try to get her to poop. A few days later we picked up the medicine for her liver and started it after 11 days with no signs of improvement we decided to euthanize her. I had read up on it and assumed she would get to shots and it would be pain free but I was wrong. I already felt bad then they made my baby jump and scream and within a few seconds she was gone. I felt even worse knowing her last thought was probably wondering why her mommy and daddy was leting someone hurt her. Worst thing I ever did. Like I said I thought she was supposed to get a seditive first.

Julie Kirby
06 January 2019  |  3:23

I'm so sorry for your loss. The same happened to my girl Jessie. It's been 5 years now but I will never forget it .the vet came to our home but only used the one injection. Jessie really struggled. I felt and still do that jessies last moments she was thinking we were hurting here . I did not know what to expect .I just wish the vet had given us the option to have 2 injections .best wishes from Julie

05 September 2022  |  15:10

I also had a bad experience with one of my dogs. My husband being confined to his chair and I being a non driver I called the vet to the house. He had previously
“ treated”’my boy for the loss of use in his back legs. My other dog stayed with my husband while the vet carried my boy out to the patio now my boy was a Maltese cross Silky who I used to groom every day and tell him how much mummy loved him and no one would ever hurt him. . When I heard him give a blood curdling scream and saw what the Vet was doing he was trying to stab the needle into his leg but was hitting the bone. He asked if he could put him on the outdoor table where he gave him the injection. Within a few moments he said he’s gone took
His money and left. As he was my boy I was so upset and went to stroke his little body only for him to sniff my hand. I shouted to my husband that he was still alive. Having a daughter who was a registered nurse there was always a stethoscope in the house my husband not being able to help me in any way told me to get it and listen to my boys heart. Sure enough it was still beating. This went on for a good 20 minutes. I believe the Vet gave him enough medication to be lethal but not to give a quick peaceful end to his life and has left me still feeling so guilty that I had always told him I loved him and he would never be hurt when this man I feel betrayed the promise I had made. This all happened 10 years ago and still upsets me immensely when I think about it. As time passed my little girls life and two very elderly rescues all in time had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. I now have the most wonderful lady Vet who is compassionate and caring. Allowing me the time with my fur kids who I have held and cuddled as they passed over. Being more than old enough to be her mother she has had cuddles from me. At the end of the day she also is human. If you can always ask how they are and just say come on have a hug bug you would be surprised how receptive they are. As for that male Vet he is still in practice close to where I live. I would not take a toy stuffed animal to him. Hope I have not bored you with my experience but I believe it is good to share. Xxxxk
P.S. I am now mum to two sisters from the same litter who will be six come November. I still groom every day as they are Maltese X Papillon. My wonderful Vet loves them.

22 October 2022  |  22:37

I had my boy pts at home and the vet (who had been coming out over a year) used sedation first.
But, from the time they walked in to walked out was less than 15 mins.. which made me feel rushed and wondered if he was in fact sedated by the time she injected the poison. And i wasn't able to give him a treat i had, or comfort him for long. They were all standing around (vet, tech, cremation guy). Another thing, since i wss seated to be out of their way, i was behind my boy and didn't even get to look in his face/eyes.

12 November 2022  |  12:59

My poor Molly was the same aged 12 ..she had the one injection type and struggling to get from the vet 😪 I was not told about the 2 injection way ..

Amanda Plumb
06 May 2018  |  8:49

My rotti is 8 years old and in pain most of the time I want him putility down and want him sedated first.

08 August 2018  |  22:27

Thank you this article has really helped and put my mind at rest! Tomorrow I take my 18 year old terrier to be put to sleep! One of the hardest decisions of my life!! Will be requesting the 2 injection method! As this is definitely the least stressful for him! My heart is already broken!

07 December 2022  |  14:03

i am really sorry to hear that as 6 of my dogs caught an illness when i was 12 and were put to sleep it was sooo hard

Catrina M Rumsey
01 October 2018  |  1:05

I have a 15 year old chiwauwa mix. She is diabetic and blind. We are fighting to control the pressures in her eyes now she has developed glaucoma. We could have her eye removed but I'm struggling with putting her thru all of that. I love her dearly I've had her her whole life. I don't want to feel like I've gave up on her but I don't want to keep her here for my own selfishness.

Nancy Stuart
16 October 2018  |  19:08

I sadly put my staffy to sleep last Monday the 8th . I wish I had read this arrival before hand . My heart is broken and my house don’t feel like home . She had dm and was suffering for over a year and the time was right the vet also agreed I let her go with some dignity . Nothing can prepare you for letting your fur baby run free . I for one wasn’t prepared for the hurt I feel and the guilt I’m holding , was it the right time ect ?! The vet did carry out the 2 step injection but I’m sad to think I wasn’t given time to hold her or gently cuddle her and kiss her before they gave her the final injection . They told me they was taking her out back to put the canula in the vein . When they returned with her in there arms she was already sedated 😞 this will haunt me forever . They then administered the final injection within a minute of bringing her back in . I did how ever cuddle her and kiss her whilst she slipped away . Missing my darling girl so much

Gary Parker
29 November 2018  |  14:40

We had our beloved Shih Tzu, Oreo, put to sleep on November 21, 2018. We knew the time was approaching, and when he started yelling in pain throughout the night, we took him to the vet in the morning. Oreo was 18. The vet and staff were wonderful to us and Oreo. Oreo had the two step process. They allowed me to hold and comfort Oreo the entire time, while my partner was comforting me. After he was sedated, we had time alone with him, where we hugged him, kissed him goodbye, and thanked him for being our “child”. Of course, we were crying, but we knew we could not be selfish. When the vet came back in, she asked if we were ready. We were. She administered the drug, and Oreo passed while resting in my lap. The vet then left to give us time to grieve with Oreo. When we were ready to go, we pushed a buzzer. The vet came in and gently took Oreo from me and promised to take care of Oreo’s remains with the highest of dignity and honor. She then told us we could leave through a side door, so we would not have to go past the lobby or other pets. We received a card yesterday from her, expressing her condolences for our loss. Our veterinarian is truly the tops and gets its! She made a difficult day a little bit easier for us.

Crystal Poeschel
12 May 2021  |  0:59

I Am So Sorry For Your Loss Of Oreo , I Take It You Had Her Cremated And You Ordered A Special Urn For Her And That Your Vet Who Was Really Nice Did It For You !

Betty Newton
07 July 2021  |  18:37

My beautiful 15 yr old cocker spaniel Dylan had to be put to sleep last year as he had liver and kidney failure. He was a gentle old man with the most emphatic eyes and dearly loved. Due to Covid Dylan was sedated and we were not allowed to stay for the final injection. However, he was asleep from the sedation and given assurances he would wake up. We had a lovely card from the vet afterwards and Dylan’s ashes are in a lovely wooden box with his name on with an appropriate message. The box is on a cabinet at the side of my bed where he slept. He was a clever and gentle old man who locals nicknamed him ‘gentle Dylan’. I don’t think I’ll ever get over losing him. Taken on an unwanted puppy in his memory as he loved puppies. I don’t believe I will fully get over his loss RIP ‘gentle Dylan’.

Joni Thompson
26 December 2018  |  4:24

Had to put my pit bull down 2 months ago, he was 13 & never harmed anything. But it was a bad experience for me. First all they muzzled him, they didn't sedate him they just held him down while he struggled not knowing what was happening. Breaks my heart when I think about him looking at me like what are they doibg to me mama.

27 August 2020  |  22:56

Condolences, and i have been in that horrible position several times. It never gets any easier.

19 February 2022  |  17:13

That would’ve stopped right then. That was uncalled for. A pittie deserves just as must respect as any other dog. Hope u changed vets. So sorry for your loss. I myself feel guilty for my baby even though she was pretty much out of it before the vet only did the 1 shot method. I had never had to have one of my babies put to sleep. Just now hearing about the 2 shot method which will happen next time I ever have to do that awful thing. I was holding her and all the sudden her mouth flew open like she was trying to bark. I started screaming and crying. The vet said it was just reflexes but to me it was devestating.

22 May 2019  |  14:06

We just put our 12 year old lab down. She had 2 injections. The sedative did not relax her the way we all thought it would. In our case her whole body started to shake. She kept looking left then right like she was seeing things! We spoke calmly to her trying to calm her. My husband has put 3 dogs downprior to this and never did he see this kind of reaction before in the other dogs. Vet came in and saw her so said she could have had a bad reaction because she was on Rymadel and Tramadal before she came in and maybe those drugs interacted with the sedative drug. I felt horrible at the time but felt it was good we were there to talk to her during this 10 15 minutes. The vet gave her more sedative then she quickly came around to her front paw and gave her the heart stopping drug. She was gone in 30 seconds. I felt bad she had this reaction to the sedative but just like people some react different to meds. Thats why its best to be with your pet so they can hear your voice and feel comfort in you being there with them.

08 October 2021  |  3:16

I put my black lab down after 15 years and 3 months. It has haunted me ever since. I went ba k in the room after his injection. His heD rested on my lap
The vet told me he had an accident and peed on his blanket we had brought in for the procedure. He was salivating on my leg..his face looking at me. I was horrified. My husband said hes not gone I can feel his heart beating. We called the vet and she said he should be. She gave him a second dose reluctantly
I was and still to this day so upset. I wailed for weeks. I thought it would be a peaceful letting go but it was not. I'll never get over it. 5 weeks later I got a golden retriever girl. Not to take his place. I coulnt do without his presence. She is my angel who saved me from not wanting to live after what happened.

Val Davies
04 June 2019  |  6:23

My German Shepard Bella have cancel which the vet can't do anything for her. It in her month and she loses a lot of blood when she a sleep, but in the day she seems ok. She have pain killing staff. I love her so much but don't know if the time is right for her to go .

D for Dog
18 July 2019  |  9:19

I'm so sorry to hear that Val. We also had a dog with mouth cancer... in his tongue. You will know when the time is right.... you will just know. Take care x

17 July 2019  |  22:44

Hi. My dog will be put to sleep in 8 days. He is no longer able to walk and it saddens me to see him suffer. His name is Lucas, keep him in your prayers please. Also, how do I cope with his death?

D for Dog
18 July 2019  |  9:15

Just one day at a time sweetie. Know that you did the best thing for him and that you shared great love and great times. I was a mess when my Berkeley died and a friend said to me "Would Berks want to see you this upset" and the answer was of course no. That really helped me, so I am passing that on. It is important to cry and grieve but also to remember and smile. Take care x

10 November 2019  |  0:03

Comforting site and lovely words. I feel more at peace now. We had our 13 year old beautiful Spaniel euthanized this week. She slept peacefully with the sedative but gasped a few times after the final injection. The vet did say it was just reflexes and she had passed within seconds of the injection. This has reassured me

03 December 2019  |  13:09

We have a 15 year old parson Russel Terrier, she used to love going on long walks and would spend all day playing with her ball. Now she only wants to go for small walks, sleeps most of the day. But she has started to get really aggressive, yesterday I went to move her off my bed and she lunged at my face.... I needed 12 stitches. We have decided that we need to have her pts. It’s the right thing to do but why do I feel so bad and that I am betraying the little lady who has given us so many happy memories x

Peter Rigby
13 June 2020  |  21:18

We had to euthanise our dear pet Labrador today and reading your article has brought me some comfort after a very tearful and traumatic day -thank yoy

Kim Yates
26 July 2020  |  22:58

I had my little Yorkshire terrier..presley who was 14 yrs old put to sleep two days ago..he had a lot of medical issues wrong with him..and he had doggy dementia..his cognitive dysfunction deteriorated..and he was blind and deaf but since I’ve ended his pain and suffering I so feel guilty due to hoping I made the right decision...of putting my darling to sleep...It’s so heartbreaking..I’m asking myself questions.. did he feel pain..did he know what was happening...this hurts me so deeply but I try and think of the good and happy times with him he was the bestest companion...but I need to move pass this guilt, and accept his passing...t.y for this beautiful site...it gave me some reassurance..

D for Dog
27 July 2020  |  9:12

Big hugs to you Kim. Please don't beat yourself up. It is normal to feel that way when you love them. In my experience, no he didn't feel pain and no, he didn't know what was happening. All he would have felt is your love. You did what you did because you love him and you put him and his needs first so you 100% did the right thing for him and he would say thank you xxx

Lynn Folwell
02 August 2020  |  13:22

we lost our dog (chester)3days before his 17th birthday 6 weeks agowe are devastated

17 August 2020  |  20:09

Hugs to everyone who lost their beloved companions. I had to put my Swiss Shepherd (Cody) to sleep today. The hardest experience ever, a part of me feels guilty. I tried everything but his health had deteriorated and he wasn’t eating anymore unless forced. Seeing him take his last breathe is an image engraved on my mind forever. He loved me and I loved him dearly. I had to put him first then myself and my heart break. Forever in my Heart Cody💞

12 February 2021  |  10:41

I took my dog to the vets yesterday he was suffering , the vet said it was time to let him go. He had Cancer, Heart Failure and Cushing. The vet tried to put an injection in his legs but the veins had collapsed my dog was so stressed he started screaming that's how I can best describe it. Then the vet put an injection direct in to his tummy Harvey was screaming they had to rush him into theatre, they gave him gas and air to settle him they injected him straight in the heart. I have never heard an animal in my life scream the way he did. I know I did the right thin its just watching him have to go through that so stressed just wanted him to go peacefully.

D for Dog
12 February 2021  |  10:52

Oh Heather, my heart breaks for you. What a horrific thing to go through. Yes, you did the right thing. It is going to be hard but try to put those last moments out of your mind but try to focus on the great times you had together. Take care x

J Rosewell
16 February 2021  |  0:35

Today we put ourPeanut to sleep. The vet explained the two injection method. The sedative actually was all it took. No second injection necessary. She became very ill over a week or so. It was the most merciful thing to do. She was a loving loyal pet. I felt her slip away gently.
The cruel thing is to let them suffer endlessly.

D for Dog
16 February 2021  |  8:49

Take care. Run free Peanut x

23 March 2021  |  13:48

I made the difficult decision to put my dog to sleep on Saturday. He was the love of my life and my soul mate. I asked for him to be heavily sedated and sat with Digby in my arms for 15 minutes whilst he fell in to a deep sleep. The vet then told me that the time had come for the final injection and i guess i was just really scared. I did not feel like I could cope with witnessing his death and he was deeply asleep. I gave him a final kiss on his head and told him I loved him. I thought it would good that both of our final thoughts would be us having a lovely relaxed cuddle. However, i have not stopped feeling guilty ever since that I was not there with him for the last moments of his life. If i could turn back time i would have made a different decision. It is really, really upsetting me and I am worried that I will always feel this way. Every post on social media says i did the wrong thing which is making it worse. If anyone can provide me with some reassurance I would be very appreciative because i don't know how to move past this.

D for Dog
23 March 2021  |  13:57

So sorry for your loss, Victoria. Please don't feel guilty or feel that you did the wrong thing. You were there for the sedation and you were brave and true to your best friend at the most crucial moment, as he fell asleep. That is the time when they need their loved one and you were there. That was perfect and how it should be. After the sedation has fully taken affect they do not know who is there or what is happening, so please don't worry about that bit. Let it go, be kind to yourself and try to have happy thoughts. He would not want you to feel so guilty and there is no reason to. He would say thank you x

23 March 2021  |  15:21

Thank you so, so much. That means the world to me. I loved Digby so much and to think that I was there at the critical moment brings me great comfort .x

D for Dog
23 March 2021  |  15:27

Awww, you are welcome. You did the right thing and you were brave so please don’t worry. We just had our terrier Spadge put to sleep last Friday so I know all the kind of thoughts that go through the mind afterwards. I am glad my reply helped you and I really hope you can move on now from that feeling of guilt. He really would say thank you Mummy x

01 April 2021  |  20:09

Thank you for this thread. We had our darling 12 year old westie Olly put to sleep yesterday after chronic skin issues on his front paws with bacterial infections,, the vets had suggested amputation but because both his back paws had had cruciate ligament surgery, this would have made him totally immobile. He could barely walk, mainly hopped and also had suspected cushings disease. We tried a specialist dermatologist for one last try but when he stopped wanting to play and couldn’t handle his bones I knew we had to let him go.

His original appointment was for today, but on Tuesday night he slept on the concrete floor outside and then spent most of the morning under the car. We moved his appointment until 4pm. We took him to his favourite walk and then to his appt. When we arrived the vet, not his usual bet, asked if we were sure we didn’t want to opt for amputation, but we couldn’t put the little fellow through any more.

The vet then took Olly and I asked foe him to be sedated, he was gone about 5 minutes and then hopped back in with the line in place. The vet said he hasn’t need to be sedated. I was so upset I thought that was a good sign, but then she started administering the dose while he buried his face in me and about 5 seconds in he keeled over, he was gone. I feel so heartbroken that we missed our chance to say a proper goodbye and I’m in total shock that he went from standing to drop down dead so fast before we knew what was happening.

Please please insist on sedation, I’m not only grieving for my beautiful boy, I also feel haunted that we never had the relaxed and peaceful goodbye that we wanted and he deserved. My heart breaks.

D for Dog
02 April 2021  |  11:02

Awww, Carolyn, this is heartbreaking to read. Whilst I know exactly what you mean and the vet definitely miss-communicated what was happening next... please try not to dwell. The more you play those last moment over in your head, the more they will keep coming back to haunt you. Banish them. Those last few moments were not important in the grand scheme of his wonderful life with you and he didn't know. It was a peaceful if rather fast death. Even with sedation, they go quickly and it is always a shock. Let those last moments go. It takes effort but he would not want that last bit to be playing on your mind x

Emma Arthur
05 April 2021  |  17:43

Thank you for this post. Our vet Daisy has been brilliant, I feel this post is very helpful too. My 13 years and 9 month old dalmatian Kody is being euthanised on Mon12th x We have managed with meds his spinal nerve injury, canine dementia and now we believe cancer also and my son and I know the time has come x I will be right by his side till his end as he's been beside me his whole life xx

31 July 2021  |  10:02

My little dog was Pts yesterday. I asked the vet in advance for some sedatives for her so she would not know what was going on when we made the final journey. I gave her three tablets with cheese and sausage which she thoroughly enjoyed. Then after about 25 mins she was relaxed and sleepy. The vet was great. They put in the cannula and then called me in. She was happily sitting on the table but very calm and relaxed and didn’t really know what was going on. I held her as the injection was administered and within seconds she was gone. The vet then left me alone with her to say goodbye. I am fortunate to have a pet crematorium nearby so I bought her home to say goodbye to the other dogs ( I feel this is important for them) and today she will be cremated.
If you are at that point where you know it is time then don’t be afraid to speak to the vet. I’m so glad Sylvie had the sedation at home with me before taking her in the car.

Denise Longley
05 August 2021  |  21:44

Thank you. I needed this. I had my elderly cat put to sleep on Monday unfortunately, she was really suffering with kidney disease and it was her time but I've been feeling incredibly guilty, wondering if it was stressful or painful for her etc. I think the truth is, it was the two injection method, it was on our bed, I think I'm thinking it wasn't peaceful but it totally was for her except a very brief bit of nausea just after the sedative which is common. Thank you for this. It's helped me understand more and be a bit less harsh on myself. Thank you.

08 August 2021  |  11:50

Thank you so much for this article. I’ve been in tears reading it. I have two old pets and I need to face up to what’s to come. I’m dreading it but I now definitely know to look for a vets that will do the 2 step injection when their times come. I just hope it’s a long time yet. . Xx

Margaret Yates
03 September 2021  |  19:38

My 10 year old Chocolate lab was put to sleep 6 years ago, the vet only used the fatal injection, my poor baby was in so much distress as the vet constantly searched for the vein, my beautiful Maddie cried and struggles, as I held her I could feel her trying to break away from me, she was so frightened.. After 3 attempts she decided to sedate her, she then fell asleep after a 5 or 10 minutes, still crying constantly.. The vet then injected her for the last time and Maddie died in my arms, her passing was not peaceful, it was terrifying and painful and left me in floods of tears , something that will be with me forever.. 4 weeks ago my beautiful Beagle Boy Buster was put to sleep at home, he was only 6 years old, he had liver and spleen cancer, As he lay on his bed at home with my husband and i holding him the vet sedated him, he wasn't too keen on the injection but it was over in seconds, we then had 10-15 minutes with him as he fell asleep, it was a very precious time, he was then given the final injection and he slipped away very peacefully in comfort and at home in my arms.. I still grieve for my Maddie and now losing my Buster has broken my heart again but I feel so much better knowing that he fell asleep so peacefully without the fear and distress felt by my poor girl.. I have other dogs and if they should need to be euthanized I will insist on sedation before the final fatal injection..

09 October 2021  |  19:07

Thank you that helped me a lot I've just lost my 112 year old cavalier king Charles, totally heartbroken..😥

15 October 2021  |  11:13

My beautiful 10 1/2 year old sheltie Jinxy has cancer and I know her end is near I have put to sleep my beloved Rocky years ago he was 13 and have had to put my three cats too it stays with you forever I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to my girl she will always be in my heart her brother and nephew will be with me I have them to comfort me they are all my life I love them dearly you do mourn for a very long time it’s not easy . I definitely will ask my vet bout the two shot method I never knew that.

Marie Morgan
18 October 2021  |  13:44

I just put my beloved 15 year old Cavapoo down yesterday and I am totally devastated.She had been having major breathing problems and panting continuously.They first took her in the back to insert a catheter in her leg.They brought her to me and I held her while they gave the sedative.A few minutes later they gave the final medicine.It was all very peaceful and quick but I am worried that inserting the catheter was traumatic for her.They gave her oxygen while they did it but of course I am second guessing everything.Did I do the right thing?Could I have waited longer?My Callie had a wonderful life and she was my heart and soul.I don’t know how I am going to get through this.

18 November 2021  |  16:08

We had to let our beloved boy go during covid lockdown, and it was my biggest fear that we wouldn't be able to be with him at the end, but our emergency vets were fantastic and he went peacefully and painlessly to sleep in our car being held and told how much he was loved. The vet had made sure that there were waterproof covers and a stretcher in the back before we put him in the car and his sister was able to say goodbye, and we were given time alone with him afterwards. We were probably fortunate in so far as our boy always loved going to the vets and was always easy to have a needle in his leg so he only needed the one injection.

It is the hardest decision we ever have to make and yes I still feel guilty but I have always tried to work to the belief of better a day early than a day late and I know we did the right thing for him letting him go.

Lilly W
22 November 2021  |  9:04


we had our beautiful dog marley put to sleep last week, hardest thing to ever do and watch but yes the right thing. I am so glad he was sedated as he wasn't shaking. he wasn't stressed as he was barking and anxious why in the room as he overwhelmed with what was going on. The sedation made him look at peace, his tail was wagging which gave me comfort he was happy and having the best dreams. When the injection was done to put him to sleep he went very quick, so I'm thankful the vets sedated him as i feel he would of gone to quick, stressed and anxious i would be hating myself! he definitely passed away peacefully, so even if your dog is calm and laying down i still suggest use sedation you get that final time with them, they get to experience to be at peace fully asleep and happy why feeling you stroke them and speak to them. Its not a nice thing to do, i still feel unhappy i done it but i know he was so poorly it wasn't fair on him to suffer anymore. He did pass wind once sedated as there body is completely relaxed then he soiled so definitely bring big blanket, wrap them up as its making them pass as dignified as possible. My home don't feel homely no more, feels cold and empty and yet i have children but it doesn't feel complete no more. I feel so lost and upset daily. I honestly wish they lived as long as us, he was like one of my children i loved him as much as i do my children. I can smile as i know his not suffering, his not in pain and his playing happy up in dog heaven! losing a pet is heartbreaking. R.I.P marley we love amd miss you forever

Dezzy Marshall
19 December 2021  |  21:10

Two days ago on 17/12/2021 at 4:50 pm, I had my best friend a short-haired jack Russell called Ben put to sleep after twenty years of complete loyalty & companionship. He was all I lived for and now I feel so guilty that I let him go too soon even though he had recently gone deaf and blind and he was leaking urine around the home. Although I had tried everything to avoid the inevitable like putting him in nappies and pants etc I feel I could have done more although, in reality, I did everything in my power to keep his quality of life to an acceptable level. I was fighting a losing battle though and the vets were in agreement with me that the time was right to let him go. Just as other writers have said they are heartbroken at their loss I also am struggling to come to terms with my loss. I live alone and as funny as it seems I didn't feel lonely when he was here but now I feel lost devastated and alone all mixed into one. This post has made me a bit more understanding of the whole process though as I did not want to be there as I would have been uncontrollable. Until We Meet On The Other Side You Rest Easy Benny Boy xx

Shaun P Holloway
09 January 2022  |  2:02

We put our beautiful dizzee dog to sleep 2 days ago he was a border collie, he had hip dysplasia and I think he was riddled with cancerous growths under his skin. He was suffering so bad for a week before we asked the vet what to do, and know I'm racked with guilt for not letting him go sooner. It was a peaceful procedure he was sedated first and then the final injection was administered, but we are absolutely heartbroken now full of guilt and missing him terribly, our house is so empty without him, I just hope he wasn't afraid when he was pts, he was our beautiful boy (12 years old)

Barbara Flint
09 April 2022  |  15:02

Today I put my beautiful fur baby Toby to sleep he was 14 years old,, it was such a horrible experience.
The vet sedated him first and asked us to wait in the waiting room for it to work, which we did.
We cuddled Toby and it was like he had gone already. The vet called us back in the room and tried to find Toby’s vain but she couldn’t, she then said she would have to inject him in his liver which she did twice and he still was breathing. We waited a little while but he was still alive, so she had to inject him in his hear.
It was like he didn’t want to go. The vet said she had never seen this thing happen before.
It was really horrible.
I’m glad he was sedated first.

Mandeep Singh
01 May 2022  |  9:06

Wonderful article! Our pet dog is old & suffering from Kidney issues & I think he is just a day or two away for us to decide. It was very reassuring to read this article, it is like someone has read my mind & answered all the questions/doubts I had. They give so much love that it is not easy to let them go.

Challacombe Lesley
19 May 2022  |  14:32

What a wonderful article that I know will help so many people.
Why oh why did I wait until the day after having my dog put to sleep before finding it , if only I had known of the 2 injection procedure!
It broke my heart to see my lovely boy so confused in pain and frightened and equally heartbreaking to know it didn’t have to be that way.
All I can do now is make sure to let as many people know about your caring and very informative article .
Thank you

Peggy Aileen Reeser
30 May 2022  |  12:36

I have been looking up info on cremation trying to find answers before we make a final decision. I too am having a difficult time deciding if it is the right time to have our sweet 17 year old girl put to rest. I trust her vet to do the right thing; but I want her to be treated respectfully. I worry about the process and how she will be "handled" to prepare for the process. I do want her to be sedated first and of course, be with her thru it all. But the cremation process is what scares me; will they respectfully handle her, etc.. It us undecided if we are putting her to sleep. But she has an appointment for her checkup June 1st for yearly vaccines. This may not be because her health has declined much in the last couple months. So I need to discuss this with her vet. I need prayers for our girl and us. Thank u for the support!🐾😔💔

Jimmy Ny
14 June 2022  |  21:44

Peggy,hope everything went well with your sweet girl. My girl is 15 and has heart disease, still may have a lot of time left, though she is showing her age. Thoughts of her dying are painful, glad I read this article, now I can better prepare for her.in my prayers.

08 July 2022  |  11:57

My dog passed away this past Saturday. July 2, 2022.
Letting go and saying goodbye has been devistating. Her vet uses the two injection method through a catheter put into the vein beforehand and I am gratful for that. It is very peaceful for our pet. The catheter was placed in, I had my time with her for awhile, and then her vet came in. The sedatation was done slowly to ease her into a deep sedation, then eased the second injection into system.
I was blessed to have her in my life, and gratful to have felt her last heartbeat as she laid across my lap. For anyone worried their pet will suffer, the two injection method is a peaceful way for your beloved pet to pass.

21 July 2022  |  14:10

My lab is 13 and has some issues but she’s still enjoying life. Her health issues are not improvable with any kind of treatment or medication so I’m getting ready and watching carefully for when she needs me to let her go. Thank you for this article. I’ve said goodbye to two other dogs in my lifetime, but they died at home unexpectedly. This article is helping me do the emotional and practical planning that goes into taking care of a pet from hello to goodbye. I especially appreciated your thoughts about the decision between going to the vet versus the vet coming to my home. I have things to ponder. Thank you for the guidepost along the way.

Christopher Tingus
02 August 2022  |  18:46

Our wonderful and cuddly, Butch passed three years ago as a 13 year old white / black Havarnese and yesterday, Cassidy, his 16 year old Brother, Cassidy, sensitive, bright and kind, was given the two injections by Veterinarian and peacefully joined his Brother Butch in heaven with hopes that we will all join again and share our unconditional Love which will always endure....Yes, the tears. Yes, the heartache. Oh, so, so missed! Oh so...May the memory of Butch and the memory of Cassidity be eternal. Thank you for trusting our Loving care and thank you for sharing and expressing your unconditional Love! TY boys.

Thank you over and over....

Burying you in the same plot nearby in Plymouth, MA affords the opportunity to drop by and say hello and truly, we will always be together in sharing our unconditional Love now and forever.

God Bless you both!

Dad Chris

Tabitha Denise Sage
06 August 2022  |  18:41

I came across your article on Google and decided to read it. I had a family dog that went into renal failure and became blind, so my family decided that it was time. They located a vet and made the appointment. It was me and my mom that took her in, we were under the impression that it was the two injection method. But they had lied to us. When we got to the vet they took our dog to the back and put an IV in her front leg with a very, very long tube attached to it. They then told us that we could go back in the exam room with her. She was on the exam table, and she got very nervous and was pacing around the table and almost walked off the table. So I told my mom to get her blanket and let's sit on the floor with her. So my mom day on the floor with her and I hadn't had a chance to sit down yet, our dog was very nervous and she wouldn't sit or lay down and she snipped at my mom and she had never ever done that before. The vet was in the room with us at the time and was holding a giant syringe in her hand and she just pushed the plunger in real fast. My dog was standing at the time and her legs buckled and she hit the ground so hard. I could not believe what I had seen, it caused me to have an asthma attack and I was bawling my eyes out. I didn't even get to say good bye to her or that I loved her. Me or my mom both didn't get to, we didn't even get the chance to sit or lay with her. I think that it was very rude and unprofessional of the vet to have acted that way, especially toward someone who is losing someone that they do very dearly love. I can't even think about my dog because when I do I get so upset and I end up just bawling my eyes out and I feel so guilty for doing that to her. It's been over a year to a year and a half and I know that she knew that we loved her, but I feel so darned guilty.
I love you baby girl!
Thank you for writing this article it made me feel a lot better.
God bless you!!

Rainer Schindler
07 August 2022  |  14:50

Dear Tabith:
As I am writing this I am crying to read your story and wanted to share mine from yesterday. I brought my Cairn terrier 15.5 years old to my two vets one the period of 6 weeks and was told every time it was time for her. On my last visit in fort Lauderdale, my vet of 15.5 years told it to me again and asked if I wanted to put her to sleep today.
He is a very compassionate doctor, but I cried and left the clinic when a women approached me and asked me if I knew an organization called Labor Lap of love. I researched it, and I was very very lucky that this organization is beyond amazing. I canceled the home visit once before, but a few days ago I told them I was ready (not at all) I made an appointment for yesterday and send 7 days day/night with my dog, taking pictures, caring for her around, going on drives and doing things even if she didn't want to. But every day I made stickers as if there was a countdown to yesterday 4 pm.
An amazing, young Dr. Sonja came through the door, sat with me on the floor, and reviewed videos I made, pictures I took, and she reviewed with me all the findings and illnesses and told me stories, and smiled when I cried.
Before she gave my dog the sedation, she asked me again if I was sure what I wanted to do for my dog and said that she could not reverse the course once Racl (Rainer/Claudia) had the 2nd dose.
We were all set on the floor together, and she was so kind. I could go on and on.

The reason why I tell you the story is because I cried about yours. I wished I would have been the person behind you in the final weeks telling you about this group. I hope others reading it will look into it should they face the same situation we did/

My story could go on but I will never meet you but I hope that you are ok now (is one ever) I am sure you cried as much as I do today, or maybe more.

I wanted to post something here that a husband of a coworker sent to me (they are from Venezuela). It is wonderful

Rainer. I hope this is of some use in your time of anguish. We humans will never be better than our friends, the dogs, we have so much to learn from them that's why I still wonder what was the good thing that the human did so that God gave the dog as the best company. I hope you can imitate the love and simplicity of RACL, where just wagging his tail without saying a word was enough for everyone around him to understand how humble he is. Many say that they are reborn in butterflies, others say that they are reborn in other beings but with the same eyes so that you can recognize it. If you gave everything you had inside her so that she would be happy, then you can be proud of having given her a good life. And if you didn't, she tries to emulate the greatness and honor of being the best company in the universe. She came to you to fulfill a mission, and her mission is over and she must continue to bring that precious thing to another living being. You only have merit and honor to that. I only ask God for something, if the dogs die and go to a special place, I hope when I die to be in that place with my beloved HANK

With Tears

Mike D
23 August 2022  |  18:44

My 7 year old frenchie was diagnosed with lymphoma and in 2 weeks headed down a huge decline and when she got bad enough to where she couldn’t enjoy her favorite things we decided to put her to sleep they put an IV in and did the 2 shot which was very comforting even though it crushed me to do it as she was the light of our lives and she inserted herself from day 1 as a family member
As hard as it was the humane way they went about it helped in a extremely tough time
Hopefully other people can find peace for their angels as we did !

Tim Powers
25 August 2022  |  5:54

I am so relieved to have visited this website and read all these incredible testimonials and insights. Our parti cocker spaniel of 10 years experienced sudden blindness or SARD. It happened overnight. His disorientation was obvious in the morning and we took him to the 24/7 emergency vet clinic close by. After performing a thorough exam of his eyes the veterinarian was convinced our little guy most likely had a brain tumor grow large enough to degrade his optic nerve and cause instant blindness. My wife and I began piecing together small changes over the past couple of weeks like a lot of sleeping and basically out of normal sorts. Our little guy was really stressed about the eyesight loss so his breathing was labored. I asked the doctor about an MRI to confirm diagnosis but was informed it was probably a very risky because of our pet’s labored breathing and costly. She actually offered a couple suggestions; take him home and begin the journey of comforting him and ultimately performing euthanasia or proceeding with it then. My wife and I discussed it, bawling and crying through the entire process and concluded it was his time to free him of this hardship. The doctor was extraordinarily respectful and delicate with us and our little guy. We were with him through the two injection euthanasia and he went peacefully, gracefully and gently into the good night. I mourn the loss of my pet. I ache for his presence in my sight and mind. I will continue to grieve for his departure but your article really has helped me. God bless you.

Frank Brown
28 August 2022  |  10:24

I am not about dogs but more for cats, but all the same rules, (if you can call them that) apply. We have lost 5 cats in the last 10 years, all oaps 18 - 20 but it didn't stop the guilt after. Was it the right time, three of them definitely but always, even now, I wonder.

30 August 2022  |  6:27

I put my love bug to rest March 16 , 2022 . He was 15 . He had a heart murmur for 2-3 years . He started losing muscle mass , and started falling because his knees were giving out . I loved him so much I had to let him go . His little body would shake because his heart would beat so fast . His breathing was so fast as he slept I knew it must have been uncomfortable! I cry all the time . I miss him so much ! I still have his son Blue who turned 10 this August . He misses his daddy too . He isn’t the same nor am I . My heart is broken . Thank you ! Even though I don’t feel guilty , I look at his pictures all the time ! I know & I know he knew how loved he was ! He had a good loving joyful life ! He filled me with joy ! He was my sunshine .

Kathy Jennings
23 September 2022  |  4:18

We had to Euthanize a cat we had only had for about 6 months. He was a senior and one we found in our yard. We spent thousands of dollars on surgeries for him but Aids got him In the end. Even though we had him such a short time ( and had 4 others at the time), we fell so in love with him. When he was gone, fir about a year, we fould even say his name without crying. I've lost animals I've had for many years, but for some reason, 'tailpipe' took our hearts with him. I am so sorry you are feeling so bad, but I hope it gets better for you, soon. We now speak about 'Tailpipe' with joy.

Janie Jumper
08 September 2022  |  3:12

I have not had to euthanize a pet thus far but I take solace in reading this now as my pet is here with me and healthy and well I have a clear mind to think if it comes to it I will opt for the two injection message I have a female beagle mix her name is pixie she is seven years old thank you

Kathy Jennings
23 September 2022  |  4:13

I have gone through this process many times in my life, but always question, "When?" and "Does it hurt?" I am getting ready for my next time with my most beloved pet. Trying to decide when has been very stressful. This article made me feel much better about having the confidence to know when the right time is. I really appreciate you putting it out there.

Angel Agoney
26 September 2022  |  13:35

We just had to put our elderly Hollister to sleep last night. My husband, myself and our 2 teenage sons were there with him the whole time. Our vet thankfully gave the 2 shots. He was in so much pain and struggling to breath so he tried to relax him as much as possible first. Unfortunately he was too amped up do the sedative didn't fully relax him, but he never flinched when the final shot was given. We all hugged, petted, kissed and whispered how he was the best boy and it was ok to relax now. Hardest night of my life. He was my boy, momma's baby. He was my heart dog. But I knew, in my soul this was the right thing for him. He was so tired and fought so bravely. Yesterday he even wagged his chubby little tail when I came home from work. I am so glad I had read about euthanasia in the past and kind of knew what was coming. But our vet was amazing. He got us right in even though it was late and after hours. And he never made us feel rushed. I'm so sorry to anyone else making this heart wrenching decision.

27 September 2022  |  18:10

My dog Sophie is 17 yrs old. She’s blind, deaf and has dementia. She also has arthritis in her hip and has a hard time getting up sometimes. She runs into walls and cry’s excessively. Vet says she’s not in terrible pain. Is it time to have her put to sleep? She has no quality of life. One thing that keeps me hesitant about putting her to sleep is she still loves her food and treats. What should I do? Replies would be deeply appreciated. I’m heartbroken💔💔

22 November 2022  |  3:22

I had to have my dog euthanized today. She was around 10 and although slowing down she was pretty active until yesterday. She was listless and could hardly walk. She refused to eat and did drink a little water. I slept in the recliner and held her all night knowing the possibility of the outcome when I took her to the vet. He found a mass in her belly and said it probably was causing internal bleeding. She was slowly bleeding to death. So we both agreed with her age it was better to let her go. They brought me a nice soft blanket and I set in a chair and cuddled her as she set in my lap. She had her head resting on my arm and was relaxed. He came in with a injection and gave it to her in her rump. She winced. once but it was so fast she just fell fast asleep and was breathing quietly. Once she was fully asleep he had me put her on the table to give her the final injection. He had a little difficulty finding her vein (I'm so glad she was asleep and had no trauma with that). She passed very quickly and he gave us time to say good-bye. I have never witnessed the two injections but now that I have I will always choose that if I have to do it again.

08 January 2023  |  10:11

Thank you so much for writing this article. I never knew and now I will ask for my best friend in the next few weeks.

27 January 2023  |  2:24

We had to say goodbye to our beloved Ruby on Monday, it was a heartbreaking decision as she had been our beautiful companion and est friend for 14 years, she would have been 15 in February, but I cant stop feeling guilty over the decision to have her put to sleep, it breaks my heart thinking I've done the wrong thing.
Ruby had always been an active dog, she was a beautiful border collie with a temperament to match, hardly ever barking and loved by all who knew her.
She had got over 2 major health scares, one being cancer on her teat which was removed and she fully recovered.
Last year her eyes were darting from side to side and her head tilted, the vet said she had had a stroke and should be put down but I had read this was not necessarily the case and that she .ay have had a condition called old dog syndrome which .any dogs recover from so I refused to have her put down, hey presto within a few weeks she had recovered, we were elated and I was thankful that I didn't take the vets advice to put her to sleep however, a couple of weeks ago she went off her food, became lethargic and was drinking lots of water, the night before we had her put down my wife said it's time to let her go, so the following day we took her to the vet but before we left home she enjoyed a bit of corned beef and a good slurp of water.
On arrival at the vets we were told its time to let her go, she was very weak and kept wanting to lay down but she still let us know when she wanted to go to the toilet etc.
She had the sedative at the vets and before she went into a deep sleep we had one last cuddle and she gave me a kiss, that was it for me, I was in bits and had to leave my wife to be with Ruby for the last injection, I couldn't bare to watch her die, I never knew how painful it would be to go through this, I couldn't do it again with another dog so no more dogs. The sad thing is, that evening I googled what might have been wrong with Ruby and was surprised to learn that she had everything that pointed to acute kidney problems, which could have been treated, why didn't the vet examine her, why weren't we told this was an option, what will haunt me forever is knowing now that I should have looked this up sooner and put this to the vet instead of letting her go, Ruby was a fighter and I feel would have come back from her illness had she been given the opportunity of treatment, im haunted by the fact that it might not have been her time and I let her down, I'm a 60 year old veteran who has seen combat and former police officer and yet the loss of this lovely dog has broken my heart, i can't get the vision of her eating that corned beef like all her birthdays had come at once and then slurping that water, her empty bed is still in the room as is her water bowl with the water in it, I know it's stupid but how does anyone ever get over something like this, I'm not alone, my wife is distraught so but she is a lot stronger than me about these kind of things and I'm just a wreck, please forgive me Rubes, we will always love and miss you, forever in our hearts our little piglet xxx

Karlene Cammock Gordon
28 January 2023  |  19:51

My wife and I put our beloved dog Jasper to sleep yesterday. He was 18+ years old. He was blind in both eyes with lots of tumors in his body. We didn't want to put him down as we also thought because he was so old he'd just go to sleep one day and never wake. He kept holding on because we were holding on to him. The vet came to our place she first sedated him and we saw his little body go into relaxation within seconds. We said our goodbyes before the vet gave him the final injection and he was gone in 5 seconds. We buried him in a nice box in our backyard. We will always love him and he'll never be replaced.

Ann Tetreault
22 February 2023  |  16:07

I had my little yorkie put down . They say the heart slows down and then stops. I was holding my dog , she was sedated . I had my hand on her stomach because I was holding her. I felt her heart beating out of her chest. I thought it just stopped. I swear she was having a heart attack . This has bothered me since that day. Too me this wasn’t peaceful.

07 March 2023  |  16:48

I am in tears right now, have been reading comments after reading the article. I was given a dog from my mother after she decided she was going to get rid of her, stating that, "I didn't realize how much work it would be.". I had visited my mother's on occasion and had developed a tight bond with Muffy. I told my mother that deciding to get a dog is a long-term responsibility, not something you change your mind about readily after you decide to bring your furry friend home to live with you. It broke my heart to hear that. I felt like I was going to lose her (Muffy). You see, I lived in a Mobile home park and even though I owned my mobile home, I rented the spot my mobile home sat on, which was ruled by the owners, and there was a rule, no pets. I told my mother that if she could keep Muffy for awhile, I would take her when I moved. She didn't know prior to that how attached to Muffy I had been. She told me she would wait, but if she came to a day she knew she wouldn't be able to wait any longer, she would let me know. Well, the year prior to that I had had my mobile home up for sale, but decided to take it off the market when it didn't sell. However, everything came together shortly after I had asked my mother to wait. I had someone stop by (that has seen my home when it was for sale the prior year) and ask me if I would be willing to sell. I had to move fast, I told them what I wanted, they countered me below what I was willing to take, so I counter their offer with my lowest acceptable price and it sold!!! Of course, I only had one place to live in-between my next home, and that was at my mother's with Muffy!! I was there for about three months when I bought my first house. At that time I was a single parent and just two years before this, I got into a relationship with a male friend of mine and he had moved in with me and my daughter. Thus, he stayed at my mother's and moved with me to my new house. He was a truck-driver and I helped him, at times even went on the road with him. He helped me get my CDL. Muffy's first birthday was coming soon and I was happy she was my dog. We had taken her on the road in the semi truck before with Sneaker, my daughter's service dog. It was fun when we stopped and watched Sneaker and Muffy play and run together. We had a dedicated run from Minnesota to Florida every two weeks with 20 to 40 new furniture in-home deliveries for Room & Board (company). We we at their warehouse loading when all of a sudden I started having pain and wasn't feeling very well. The boss at the company told my fiancee to take me to the hospital and then come back to finish loading, so he did. They had given me a medicine that made me very sleepy. I slept, my fiancee finished loading and drove. The next morning I woke up in some town in IA to my fiancee's voice, "Sneaker, where are you?". As I was waking up, l looked around in the sleeper of our truck and replied, "Donnie, where is Sneaker?". He said, "well, he jumped up into the truck like he always does, so he has to be here.". "Well this is a small space and he isn't here." Donnie said, "Unless, ...did he jump back out when I bent over to put Muffy back in the truck? I stepped for the night at the truck stop in Rochester ... I'm going to call them and ask if they saw him.". That's exactly what had happened! I, still not feeling good, fell back to sleep. It was probably around 9:00 pm when I awoke to find out we were in Davenport, IA. Donnie had stopped across the street from McDonald's. He said he was taking the dogs out for a run in this field next to us and then going to get us something to eat. He actually got the food first and told me to try eating something, then left with the dogs. My daughter's dog, Sneaker was quite a high jumper. He, only being tops 25 lb., never had to get help up into the semi truck. However, Muffy couldn't get in on her own. So when Sneaker jumped up into the truck, I heard Donnie call for Muffy. Then I heard him yell,"Muffy No!" Then I heard a thump and I witnessed my beloved Muffy fly through the air and land about 30' in front of the truck on the road. I was suddenly in shock. Donnie went to her and carefully picked her up and brought her into the truck and laid her next to me on the bed. I was weak with grief. I put my hand lightly on her heart and felt for a heartbeat. I was surprised ... there was a heartbeat! Oh No. It suddenly just stopped. I was balling and wailing. I couldn't even talk, at least not clearly where anyone could understand. I couldn't accept it. I didn't believe it. I managed to tell Donnie, " we need to get her to a vet ASAP!" Just then Donnie saw a policeman outside and that policeman had given him directions to the closest veterinarian which was in Davenport, IA. I was impatient and in tears back by Muffy in the sleeper, yet I was worried that Donnie might get pulled over also, because he had missed a certain exit off the freeway and ended up in IL. He no longer knew the way to the nearest vet. I screamed, Watch for hospital signs, stop at an emergency room!". He did just that. I was weak and sobbing, when I met a doctor asking me questions, I answered, but I was so broken hearted that words weren't coming out right. He left for a bit ... Donnie asked if he would go to the truck with him and confirm for me that Muffy was indeed deceased. He said that I needed to know from a professional that checked her to accept that she wasn't with us in her body anymore. The doctor did that for me. When he came back to talk to me, he handed me a medicine. He told me to put this medicine under my tongue and let it dissolve. He then excused himself and left. He came back and talked with me before we left. I told Donnie we had to go buy a cooler and some dry ice so we could give Muffy a proper burial when we got back home. I called Bob, my mother's handyman and gave him instructions on making a doggie casket for her. I used the next week to write what I was going to wood-burn into her casket:

Muffy is the sweetest puppy I ever knew,
And when she died , I was so blue.
She had cute little legs and sweet brown eyes,
It's so hard for me to say my goodbyes.
However, I know that in my heart,
We'll never really be a part!
For in my mind she'll always be...
Loveable, huggable, kissable, beautiful and free!
Such a tragic accident that took her life,
And traumatized me and put me in strife.
Not even as old as one year,
She was and still is, a cute little dear!
Her memory will never go away,
But as to this I will say,
I will see only for her memory to grow,
Cause at least one of her nieces I will get to know!
This I promise to her in her grave,
So that I may hold up and be brave!
My love for you goes on and on,
I love my Muffy,



Well. That's all about Muffy. maybe next time I will come back and tell you about her niece, Tuffy (Judge Judy) and two great-nieces, Madison (Maddie, Mad-cow) Avita (Jekyll and Hyde)!

Kimberley Roberts
08 May 2023  |  20:10

My fur baby was put to sleep on Friday with the 2 injection method......it was peaceful and so so quick after the second injection. Reading this has comforted me knowing she went in the best way possible. Thankyou so much for helping to give me comfort as I really need it right now

07 February 2024  |  17:51

My heart is broken. Just had to have my 14 YO chihuahua Maggie euthanised. The sedation injection was horrible…. My baby screamed out in pain… she shouldn’t have had to feel this in her last minutes of her precious life. I’m trying not to focus on that but I can’t get it out of my mind. I think they stuck that needle in her leg or bottom that had no fat or muscle left due to her extreme weight loss….. I’m broken….

16 March 2024  |  5:58

Our 15.5 y/o Shih tzu with severe CCD (IMHA survivor) is getting put to sleep in 10 hours and 32 minutes. This appt was made a month ago and our family has been at odds over it ever since. I hope this is what he wants and that he will be at peace. I am scared for him and very sad.

05 June 2024  |  0:54

Today we said goodbye to our Marley. My little 'lifesaver'. He joined the family when the family were in pain after losing my son. The vet today was very good. We knew it was coming as he had cancer. He was suffering the last few days and nights so we knew it was time. Think he knew and wanted to be free too.

The sedation worked well and he was very calm in my arms, he was a little dog with a huge heart. My wife and I said our goodbyes and the vet gave the injection. Within seconds I felt him relax completely. In a matter of seconds the pain was gone and he was free of it.

The pain we feel is immense and I am struggling with it as we speak. The tears and heartache is for me, I keep telling myself that hoping to ease this pain. So many of you have gone through this and I feel your pain. Why we hurt so bad is beyond me. Never felt heartache like this before. Maybe because Marleys love was unconditional and it was his choice.

I hope everyone that arrives here finds peace and feels better in time. It's going to hurt for a long time, I know that.

He was loved, as I am sure yours were, so very much, and I am sure they felt loved as did Marley. Wish you all well in the dark days and nights ahead x

23 September 2024  |  15:40

I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I actually should have left a comment back in September 2022 when my 1st dog, Holly, a Miniature Schnauzer was ill and I needed to have her put to sleep. I remember finding your site when I was fretting over what was to happen. It all went well, even though it was very upsetting. A few days after she was put to sleep, my 2nd dog, Poppy, was found to have cancer, which she'd had an op for in 2021, but it had returned. I had her for another 11 months, and she was put to sleep in August 2023.

It was only today when I was clearing the Pets folder on my computer browser, that I remember your site and the comfort that it offered me. Both my girls were cremated by a family business, and they were really nice. The vets were also great, and I stayed in the room on both occasions with my dogs after they had passed for about 45 mins each time, before they were taken away. This time spent in private with them meant a lot to me.

I have both their ashes at home. as I can't decide when to scatter them. I light a candle for them both on the evenings that I am home, as I work shifts so I can't do it every evening.

Writing this was something I should have done sooner. Even though Holly as been gone for just over 2 years and Poppy for one, I still haven't got over their loss and am struggling to write this without crying.

Thanks again for your words of comfort. I hope that anyone who's about to face losing a much-loved pet finds this as much help as I did.

Melanie Buchan
14 February 2025  |  0:11

Thank you so much for your article it has truly reassured me about losing our precious Bertie.
It has been a devastating loss for both me and my husband. Bertie was 17 years old but despite his age it was still an incredibly difficult decision to go to the vets. I (more than husband) have been overwhelmed by my grief as Bertie meant so much to me and I have experienced such deep feelings of loss that it manifested as episodes of intolerable chest pain and headaches. Seeking some resolution for my heartbreak I searched the internet and found your website. I am so grateful for your supportive words and general advice. I now feel so much calmer about dealing with our loss and believe that I will now start my journey of peaceful reflection and appreciation of the impact our small rescue dog had on our lives.
Thank you again and please continue with your important presence on the internet. It really has made a big difference.