Get Puppy Smart – A guide to getting your new puppy

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Get Puppy Smart logoThinking about getting a puppy?

The RSPCA have produced a helpful guide to getting your new puppy. The guide and video can help you decide if getting a dog is right for you, what sort of dog would suit you and how to find your new dog or puppy. It is packed full of useful information, presented in a fun and informative way.

The video covers key points such as:

- Cost, time and commitment
- Which type of dog is right for you
- Where should you get your puppy
- Choosing your dog or puppy
- Preparing for their homecoming

Get Puppy Smart calculatorAs well as the video, there is lots more information if you click on the ‘Quick Links’ menu, bottom right of the screen. There you will find a handy checklist for visiting your puppy (includes checking the puppy’s health, meeting their parents, observing the puppies etc...), questions to ask the breeder, exaggerated features to be wary of, a list of important numbers and a useful cash calculator that will help you tot up some of the average costs involved in dog ownership.

“If you're buying a pure-bred dog do check for inherited diseases and exaggerated features which can affect your dog's health and your wallet! Also check pedigree certificates for matings between close family to help reduce the risk of your puppy having genetic diseases!”

Some of the case studies are food for thought too. Read about Missy, who was brought to her new owners (not seen at home with her Mum) in a shocking condition. After £700 of vet fees she sadly died just 3 days after being purchased from the ‘breeder’. Then there is Rosetta, who was purchased via a classified ad and found to be living in a dirty home with other breeds. She was poorly and had to go through weeks of vet treatment once she was with her new family. Finally Dink, purchased from a pet shop at just five weeks old. She died just one day later, leaving her new owners heart broken.

This is nicely followed up with a link to some ‘Real Life Stories’ showing how fantastic dog ownership can be when you spend time researching things first and getting it right.

“The more time you spend on the research, considering different breeds and crosses, visiting lots of litters and visiting the litter of choice more than once the better chance you have of finding one that's happy, healthy and spot on for you.”

A very useful site and definitely worth reading and sharing.


04 November 2013  |  17:09

Excellent article, makes a nice change for the RSPCA to be seen to do something this useful